The artist Renatė Lušis leads art therapy club "Modus Vivendi"
that is located in the Hospital for the mentally ill in Klaipeda. She says:
"Art therapy can add great harmony to life"

love needs no authority except itself
We trust that there is no such thing as no chance.

The things that we love tell us what we are
Saint Thomas Aquinas


ticket to wonderland

While browsing the web, I came across the statement :
"Humor makes it feel better!" But not as good as Grandma's kisses."
It seemed that the lighting of love touched me. I visualized my grandmother. She left us already for a long, but her words sound in my heart till now:
  • "let THANK YOU be your road stick. Thats the magical word. "Thank you" opens all the doors"


  1. Anonymous00:43

    Sounds like you had a very wise grandmother.

  2. Anonymous21:30

    I am a firm believer that humor can help heal emotional and physical hurts. Laughter, even smiles warm the soul and lighten the wounded heart.

    Humor is also a language that everyone can understand.

    Thank you for your visits to my blog,
    Delaney's World.
