The colorful pictures are locked under the walls of the hospital for the people with the psychiatric disorders. The dismal mood lingers around that institution that became the home for many patients for life. The art therapy lets in the sunbeam here and thus help many recover from the depression. That should bring joy, but unfortunately the tears come out : the future is more than ambiguous- the hopeless if not your generosity - trust and support - the love.
I say so because I keep that blog on voluntary basis. I get no support from the hospital and my income is just my disability pension (the charity that is far from enough for daily living) . Such way Modus Vivendi becomes the luxury and it maybe that the blog counts its last days. Today I had the talk with the head physician. He couldn't support out attempts anyhow and suggested to call for the help via Internet. Thus this post have appeared. Your are our only hope. I need lots of things : my camera ended its days, the computer need the renewal and there are the fees for the Internet ... I don't talk about my personal problems, because while helping other (I think Modus Vivendi is exactly that) the miracles happens - the personal problems just vanish from sight, becomes the blessings.
My dear, help me to gather some money for not to stop. Your generosity is my only hope. I am eagerly looking forward to your response. All details we will discuss via email.
Peace and love
God blesses you.
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