

Life of the disabled would look hopeless if not the internet. Blogging helps the jobless to forget their sickbeds by providing the perfect space to share the gratitude for being alive in spite of all. That’s the refreshing fragrance of wild flowers that uplifts the spirit and makes the life worthy the living. The disability restricts us to passive living on donations, but the internet makes us free again - opens the door into the wonderland of sharing our artworks in spite of all.
Wow, all I need is just a powerful laptop and the software to it, but that cost much more than my disability pension allows me to dream about.
My dear, your generosity may help to solve my problems. If you like what you saw on this blog, please help me to share the pictures of the dreamland.
Your money remittance of any amount will be like the safety belt for the lonely swimmer in life’s ocean.
I am eagerly looking forward to your email of support. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear My Sassy Mind,
    Thank you for visiting us. Let's share the world together. We are rejoicing over the same light. God makes us the children of ligt at a moment we recognize the same sunbeam that fills as the heaven as us ourselves and fires the smiles on a dusty road.
