
love blossoms forth in the hospital for mentally ill - Klaipeda, Lithuania

"Be nice to people on your way up. You might meet them on your way down."- Jimmy Durante


  1. Anonymous15:32

    If You excuse me;

    your work reminded me that
    I don't know why
    'What is impossible with men
    is possible with God'...

    anything may be possible if we try to reach out our hands to it...

    Kind regards.

  2. Thanks a lot!
    Dear arsaral, you made my day.
    It was just grand to hear that my belief was reflected by my works.

  3. Anonymous22:49

    The tree bird houses made me think about how each bird house was a representation of each persons soul at the hospital.

  4. Yes Koyo,
    Your comments were vey pictorial. Your words have added the new bird house on the tree.
    Thank you.

  5. Anonymous06:05

    Hi Tomas!
    Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my art therapy blog and your wonderful comments!

    Your blog is fantastic! I love your artwork and your encouraging and sincere words. It is truly a pleasure to have crossed paths with you online and look forward to checking out your other sites.

    Thank you again for all you do...it is a joy! I will definitely add your site to my resources page as soon as I get it up...hopefully it is an inspiration to others as it has been to me.

  6. Isn't it always amazing what can be achieved when we can walk away from the daily clutter of our own brains and simply express?

    I am so very inspired by the art of the mentally ill. I am reminded of children and their innocence. Just beauty...coming completely from within.

    Blessings my new friend!!

  7. What incredible artworks, what beauty inside us all - thank you for sharing this Tomas! :)
