The artist Renatė Lušis leads art therapy club "Modus Vivendi"
that is located in the Hospital for the mentally ill in Klaipeda. She says:
"Art therapy can add great harmony to life"

love needs no authority except itself
We trust that there is no such thing as no chance.

The things that we love tell us what we are
Saint Thomas Aquinas


let love burst in blossom

Many of us have sharing knowledge as a goal. That sounds nice, yet what does it mean? I'm convinced that's not the news we are reporting, but the fact of our correspondence. Our being in communication with one other is like the application of theory to practice. Thus "how do you do?" is the most informative question - it testifies our readiness to listen to other and thus reveals our love to other that makes the seeds the fruits and feeds us all. How do you do portrays us the best and reveals the essence of the art therapy. Art therapy is not the teaching on how to draw a line, but the evoking of the interest in other and thus discovering oneself in other. Let love burst in blossom.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Tomas Karkalas
    Very touching your thoughts.A smile is everything form others.
    Hope is a light, ever.
    Bom trabalho/ keep on the Good (work)
