The artist Renatė Lušis leads art therapy club "Modus Vivendi"
that is located in the Hospital for the mentally ill in Klaipeda. She says:
"Art therapy can add great harmony to life"

love needs no authority except itself
We trust that there is no such thing as no chance.

The things that we love tell us what we are
Saint Thomas Aquinas


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By nature all men are equal in liberty, but not in other endowments.
Saint Thomas Aquinas

If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.

The things that we love tell us what we are.
Saint Thomas Aquinas

Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it
-- Bernard Meltzer

Man should not consider his material possession his own, but as common to all, so as to share them without hesitation when others are in need.
Saint Thomas Aquinas

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