The artist Renatė Lušis leads art therapy club "Modus Vivendi"
that is located in the Hospital for the mentally ill in Klaipeda. She says:
"Art therapy can add great harmony to life"

love needs no authority except itself
We trust that there is no such thing as no chance.

The things that we love tell us what we are
Saint Thomas Aquinas


Mystery of Silence

The silence may be the desirable in the tumultuous crowd, but it is the killing in response to our call for the fellowship. One and the same word conveys lots of colors. Do we want to just to be heard, or to talk? Are we willing to meet other, or just want to share our own outlooks towards what is what under the sun?


  1. Anonymous00:56

    Beautifully shown and expressed.

  2. Anonymous01:01

    Lovely pictures again.
    Silence? Sometimes it is nice to find the inner peace in silence, and sometimes we need to communicate our thoughts with others. There are also times when people can be together in silence as no words need to be spoken.
