The artist Renatė Lušis leads art therapy club "Modus Vivendi"
that is located in the Hospital for the mentally ill in Klaipeda. She says:
"Art therapy can add great harmony to life"

love needs no authority except itself
We trust that there is no such thing as no chance.

The things that we love tell us what we are
Saint Thomas Aquinas


Who is the true giver of light?

Wow... Universal Light Award was received today. Thank you came out of itself - thank you dear kimmysharinglight.
I thank all who are spreading the light by recognizing themselves in the eyes of others.

I was asked to pass this award on to people that share the light. That was the best duty that I just could imagine. Thus my joy was multiplied hundredfold and I thank you again. Just think. At a moment I started to count the worthy ones, I grasped the truth:
hundreds of people - without number - were worthy this award much more than I. The comprehension of the above brought the dawn to the night's sky, warmed my sickbed - wow!!!

I'm glad to pass the Universal Light Award to EACH OF YOU, who didn't pass by the people with disabilities, but gave them a hand of support by entering this blog. I thank ALL OF YOU, who left the comments under our posts though once. Please pick up this award and let the links to it will bring us all into a hug of gratitude.


I also want to thank for the Lemonade Award that was received from My Autism Insights. I appreciate that so greatly that I even don't know what should I say now - THANK YOU!


  1. Anonymous00:00

    You've been nominated for the Lemonade Award for your thankful and/or positive attitude. Please stop by my blog for details!

  2. Anonymous04:32

    You certainly DESERVE this award, Thomas. If I were to award it myself, you would be the first to come into my mind.

