
dear nurse

Dear nurse,
while surgeons fix broken bones, you inspire the desire to open the eyes. You gift us the wish for to go to smell the flowers - to blossom out in discovery of you in each button that we enjoy.
Thank you, dear nurse


  1. While my uncle suffered a chronic strock at the hospital, I saw that these nurses always there to help those patients, including my uncle, in every single way, from there, I realize that their profesion is very noble. Great post

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  2. I love nursing and I think it is really a noble job.

    "Nurses are the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf, the legs and the arms of the amputae, the voice of a comatose, the decision maker of the unstable and the protector of the newborn."

    That's why I love this profession. It's like the healing ministry.

    please read what I have written before...


    stay blessed!

  3. Anonymous07:57

    Two of my sister-in-laws are nurses. I think they are angels, I really do. Where would we be without them? Thank you for reminding us of these very special people.
    And thank you for reading my blog and making such nice comments. I appreciate it very much.

  4. that is sweet. :)

  5. Anonymous19:49

    Well said.
