
wish for blossom out

As I look at the stats of my blog, I see lots of daily visits. You clicks enable me to forget my disability. The blogging is wonderful remedy for stopping complaining for the imprisonment under the high wall of social silence. While blogging the social injustice as if steps aside, and the sense of being present in the daily life lifts me up on the wings of passionate gratitude for being alive...
However, "no comments" under "What do you think?" returns to the reality of the shame for living in a sick bed. "no comments" awakes the mourning over the helplessness of our situation.
What's further? ... Have a look at the "Discovery of the blindness" It was put on my blog Arthiker.

What's yours choice, dear readers?


  1. Wow! This is the first time, drips of tears from the corners of my eyes to see and listen to this slides show at your blog. Wow! You have honored me, beyond my intentions in giving. Congratulations! Let's celebrate...

  2. Anonymous06:16

    Beautiful absolutely beautiful! I really enjoy looking at these beautiful works of art. Thank you for sharing them,

    I have something for you at my site.

    Love and Blessings,
