
Quote of the Day

While browsing through a web, the 'Quote of the Day' reminded of a truth
"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light" Plato
(427 BC-347 BC)


  1. Hi Thomas,

    I've finally visited you. Wow.. I've read your blog posts and I can see that we are on the same page. It's nice to meet you and I really do look forward we can share our opinions with each other through our blog.

    See you :D


  2. Thank you dear Hye. We became the pen friends. That means my musing on life (silent observations)are baring the fruits, and our comments on each other posts opens the prior closed window for the sunlight could come in for to prune down the diaries and revive a play of life.

    I have four blogs. Therefore I am rejoicing fourfold. I hope to see you on my other locations on a web too. Till then.

    Peace and love

    by a way, my name is Tomas (not Thomas)
