
mystery of the welcome

Human possibilities are unlimited indeed. Just think. I can do whatever I want. I can write to my blog, or not. Plus all the above are far from all that is possible to me. I can do nothing too. Wow, it's hard to put in human words what a giant I feel myself. I can do totally everything.

So, what was my choice in a concrete? What did I do?

This questioned looked so innocently, but the truth gave me a good shake. I was to admit that I ...was begging ... for your feedback.
Woops! When people meet one other on a street, the welcome joins them. That's natural. But in case I would address a passerby by asking him to say Hi to me, what do you think? What the reply would come?
Is it not strange? Why?

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  1. Anonymous01:24

    Hey there..
    I should say I'm impressed by the content of your blog; that is I can feel the sincere effort behind those articles and you are writing them with sincerity! keep it up mate, you will get the fruit in the long run! :)

    About this article, the analogy between the passerby and readers is good. But what if we view it this way:
    "lets view readers as potential client to our products. Now if we don't invite clients to have a look at your product , give feedback..etc or if we don't even try to create an awareness in them, how can we possibly benefit?" :)

    I hope you are getting my point? ;)

    In any case, I have really enjoyed your article, and I will surely come back from time to time.

    Best Wishes,
    - Wakish -

  2. Hi Tomas.. I haven't heard from you for a while. By the way, congratulations for being a Certified Honest Blogger. Receive your award at Space of Reality.

    Take care!!!

