
Daily life of 'Modus Vivendi'

Renate Lusis helps unlock the secrets of what's what. You see her in the middle.
The photo below depicts Romas' dreams

all troubles vanish where love reigns.


  1. All troubles vanish where love reigns........I repeat that because it is worth repeating.

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog. In answer to your question, I'm not sure. I know that here in the USA there are ways to earn money for things like paints by setting up an online store (http://www.cafepress.com, http://associates.amazon.com, etc.), but I'm afraid I don't know how or if that would work in countries outside the USA.

    Here in the USA, we also have sites, like http://www.freecycle.org, where people list items that they either need for free, or that they're willing to give away to anyone who wants them.

    I don't know if there are similar sites outside the USA, but it may be something to look into.

  3. Romas' birds are beautiful!! Renate really does know how to encourage their creativity. They are very lucky to have such a talented teacher.
