
Gintaras Laukaitis took a pen 4 years ago and burn with gratitude to Renate Lusis who gifted him new life by oppening the door into the world of art. Just one problem bother him now. How could he get a sheet of paper and the colors for to resist the world of shadows?
Gintaras is one of many members of Modus Vivendi. Recently his picture was published on a cover of a magazine "Psychics News"


  1. Beautiful, evocative work!

  2. Tomas, you are surrounded by people as beautiful as yourself - no wonder your and their works are so inspiring. I hope to visit one day.

    Thanks for making this accessible to the world.

    I wish a happy Christmas and peaceful 2007 to all of you.

    Love, Peter

  3. Gintaras congratulations on making the cover of Physic News! Such vibrant colors make a beautiful magazine cover.

    Marry Christmas,


  4. what beautiful artwork! Thanks for posting this for all of us to share.

  5. I am moved deeply by the second piece... such wonderful use of colour and lines. Thank you for sharing this with the world.
    Dave in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
